Performance Comparison between Inverse Class-F and Class-F Amplifiers Based on the Waveform Analysis |
Youn-goo Yang, Young-Yun Woo, Bum-man Kim |
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Microwave Application Research Center, POSTECH |
Abstract |
We have analized the inverse class-F and class-F amplifiers using their waveforms. From the analytic equations derived from the analysis, we have calculated tole efficiencies, output powers, DC power dissipations, and optimum fundamental load impedances of the inverse class-F and class-F amplifiers. We also have compared them for various operation conditions, which include the same peak current, saute DC power dissipation, same fundamental RF output power, and same fundamental load impedance with different Ron(on-resistance). These analyses have clearly shown the performance limitations, advantages, and guide to the optimized design of the inverse class-F amplifiers. |
Key words:
inverse class-F amplifier, class-F amplifier, waveform analysis, high efficiency amplifier, on-resistance. |