On Jacket Matrices Based on Weighted Hadamard Matrices |
Moon-Ho Lee1, Subash Shree Pokhrel1, Chang-Hui Choe2, Chang-Joo Kim3 |
1Institute of Information and Communication, Chonbuk National University 2Department of Information Security, Chonbuk National University 3Electronics and Telocommunications Research Institute |
Abstract |
Jacket matrices which are defined to be $n{times}n$ matrices $A=(a_{jk})$ over a field F with the property $AA^+=nI_n$ where $A^+$ is the transpose matrix of elements inverse of A,i.e., $A^+=(a_{kj}^-)$, was introduced by Lee in 1984 and are used for signal processing and coding theory, which generalized the Hadamard matrices and Center Weighted Hadamard matrices. In this paper, some properties and constructions of Jacket matrices are extensively investigated and small orders of Jacket matrices are characterized, also present the full rate and the 1/2 code rate complex orthogonal space time code with full diversity. |
Key words:
Hadamard Matrix, Jacket Matrix, Complex Hadamard Matrix, Center Weighted Hadamard Matrix, Code Rate, Full Diversity, Space-Time Code |