High Performance Wilkinson Power Divider Using Integrated Passive Technology on SI-GaAs Substrate |
Cong Wang, Cheng Qian, De-Zhong Li, Wen-Cheng Huang, Nam-Young Kim |
Department of Electronic Engineering, Kwangwoon University |
Abstract |
An integrated passive device(IPD) technology by semi-insulating(SI)-GaAs-based fabrication has been developed to meet the ever increasing needs of size and cost reduction in wireless applications. This technology includes reliable NiCr thin film resistor, thick plated Cu/Au metal process to reduce resistive loss, high breakdown voltage metal-insulator-metal(MIM) capacitor due to a thinner dielectric thickness, lowest parasitic effect by multi air-bridged metal layers, air-bridges for inductor underpass and capacitor pick-up, and low chip cost by only 6 process layers. This paper presents the Wilkinson power divider with excellent performance for digital cellular system(DCS). The insertion loss of this power divider is - 0.43 dB and the port isolation greater than - 22 dB over the entire band. Return loss in input and output ports are - 23.4 dB and - 25.4 dB, respectively. The Wilkinson power divider based on SI-GaAs substrates is designed within die size of $1.42;mm^2$. |
Key words:
Integrated Passive Devices, Wilkinson Power Divider, SI-GaAs Substrate, DCS |