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J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci > Volume 10(2); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic and Science 2010;10(2):61-66.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5515/JKIEES.2010.10.2.061   
Numerical Analysis of Back Scattering from a Target over a Random Rough Surface Using DRTM
Kwang-Yeol Yoon
Department of Electronic Engineering, Keimyung University
This paper is concerned with an analysis of the back scattering of electromagnetic waves from a target moving along random rough surfaces such as the desert, and sea. First, the discrete ray tracing method(DRTM) is introduced, and then, this method is applied to the back scattering problem in order to investigate the effect of the back scattering from random rough surfaces on the electric field intensities. Finally, numerical examples of various height deviations of the Gaussian type of rough surfaces are shown. It is numerically demonstrated that the back scattering is dominated by the diffractions related to the reflections from the random rough surfaces.
Key words: DRTM, Random Rough Surface, Backscattering Characteristics, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation


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