J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci Search


J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci > Volume 16(3); 2016 > Article
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science 2016;16(3):143-149.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5515/JKIEES.2016.16.3.143   
Design of a Highly Efficient Broadband Class-E Power Amplifier with a Low Q Series Resonance
Dang-Duy Ninh, Ha-Van Nam, Hyoungjun Kim, Chulhun Seo
School of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, Soongsil University
Correspondence:  Chulhun Seo,Email: chulhun@ssu.ac.kr
This work presents a method used for designing a broadband class-E power amplifier that combines the two techniques of a nonlinear shunt capacitance and a low quality factor of a series resonator. The nonlinear shunt capacitance theory accurately extracts the value of class-E components. In addition, the quality factor of the series resonator was considered to obtain a wide bandwidth for the power amplifiers. The purpose of using this method was to produce a simple topology and a high efficiency, which are two outstanding features of a class-E power amplifier. The experimental results show that a design was created using from a 130 to 180 MHz frequency with a bandwidth of 32% and a peak measured power added efficiency of 84.8%. This prototype uses an MRF282SR1 MOSFET transistor at a 3-W output power level. Furthermore, a summary of the experimental results compared with other high-efficiency articles is provided to validate the advantages of this method.
Key words: Broadband, Class-E Amplifier, High PAE, Nonlinear Capacitance


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