A Broadband Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Quadrature Wilkinson Power Divider Using Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line |
Dong-Sik Eom, Hai-Young Lee |
Department of Electronics Engineering, Ajou University |
Hai-Young Lee,Email: hylee@ajou.ac.kr |
Abstract |
In this work, a broadband composite right/left-handed (CRLH) half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) quadrature Wilkinson power divider is proposed. The proposed CRLH-HMSIW quadrature power divider includes a microstrip Wilkinson power divider on the transition structure between the microstrip and HMSIW, and two thru transmission lines for the HMSIW and the CRLH-HMSIW. The measured amplitude, phase difference and isolation between the two output ports of the proposed structure have 1 dB, ${pm}5^{circ}$ and less than -15 dB in a wide frequency range of 4.1-6.68 GHz with 47.9% bandwidth, respectively. |
Key words:
Composite Right/Left-Handed (CRLH), Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (HMSIW), Quadrature Power Divider |