J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci Search


J. Electromagn. Eng. Sci > Volume 16(2); 2016 > Article
Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science 2016;16(2):119-125.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5515/JKIEES.2016.16.2.119   
Identifying the Appropriate Position on the Ground Plane for MIMO Antennas Using Characteristic Mode Analysis
Jusun Won1, Sinhyung Jeon2, Sangwook Nam1
1School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of New Media and Communications, Seoul National University
2DMC R&D Center, Samsung Electronics
Correspondence:  Jusun Won,Email: nexus@ael.snu.ac.kr
In this paper, a method for identifying the appropriate position on the ground plane for antennas is proposed based on the current correlation coefficient ($C^3$). This method explains that the mutual coupling between antennas when locating several antennas on the same ground plane is necessary. Given the current distribution on the ground plane induced by each antenna, easily estimating the coupling between antennas is possible. This paper also demonstrates that the proposed method can be used in the design of a multi-input multi-output system. The measured data are in good agreement with the simulation results.
Key words: Antenna Placement, Characteristic Mode Analysis, MIMO, Mobile Terminal Antennas, Mutual Coupling


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